One of my past hangouts, in mesa, az where I still own n rent out 2 mobile homes to 6 tenants but since borizona is the way it is(and hot) I like to escape to socal every chance I get as I find the linedancin honkytonkin to be the best in the world( I finally got sick of runin 5ks!!!!!) Ive been wrenchin for 50, ever since I flunked my eighth bar exam, a true blessin in disguise as, I am truely convinced that If I had passed, I would either be in the penetentiary, disbared, or dead!!!!; I still buy n sell 20 cars a year: I specialize in the geo metro, prizm n other small cars, as long as they r 1.8 liters or less(Im proud to be an extreme environmentalist!!!). I buy in car rich LA then sell in hot, car hostile phoenix where blown head gaskets r quite common. In socal, i relive my eagle boy scout days campin out )in that glorious weather around the five linedancin honkytonks I frequent(dont tell anyone tho!!!!!!!!) Can u imagine the fun we could have every noon at the many socal senior centers n libraries all over the great basin; LA Fitness too.(i will secure u a 14 day VIP pass!!!!!!!!) Rounding out my other pastimes, I taught myself option trading which has produced lucrative amounts(n sometimes not, dont forget time decay n vol!) I had a $1.5 million tax lien on 7 years of tradin b4 squarin with em. Another funtime pastime we could enjoy together: I enjoy travelin to Money shows(go to 2019 was incomparable fun: vegas in may, Seattle in june, Chicago in july, san fran in august, Toronto in sept,(phily a week later at least in 2019). Then wel zip down to one of my favorites: Dallas in oct at Reunion Hotel, Dealey Plaza n dont forget the state fair during the same week!!!. Just returned from Orlando money show where the linedancin in that city rivals LA n the 50 workshops n seminars were well worth it, I cant decide wat was more fun: the Orlando money show or all the ;
linedancin honkytonks from there bak to borizona!!!!!! We can plan our next excursion: we will fly into our destination city a week b4 the money show, buy a car, fix, repair or rehab it( whatever word u care to use), use it as our bedroom(isnt paris hilton wealthy enuf???) for the money show n linedancin honky tonkin at local venues then the fun filled ride bak to tucson to finally sell the environmentaly friendly car( I only buy 1.8liters or less 5 speeds), Come join me for the time of ur life; move here to take up linedancin honkytonkin, we can bring bak cars to borizona, as i will take the flixbus to LA where I will bring my electric scooter along(only buy the 500w Hiboy brand from Amazon for $370 as it comes with solid wheels n a removable battery so u can fly with it!!!) then I can pick u up from the flixbus terminal at union station, downtown LA, with my newly purchased n rehabed car I had recently bought n fixed in IE, Oc or LA, destined for LA's best dance club for many years runin: Cowboy Country in LB, or the other area linedancin honkytonks: In Cahoots in Fullerton, the Ranch in Anaheim n, if we get adventurous, Montanas in San Dimas!!!!!!!!!!! UL ADD TEN YEARS TO UR LIFE plus makin thousands 4 further travel or enuf to buy another house in the best subdivision in Tucson siting atop the vast Swan hill where u can put ur car in neutral n shut off the engine n glide downhill while usin no gas FOR FOUR MILES helpin our desparate planet IN ANY WAY U CAN B4 WE ALL PERISH FROM THIS MAN MADE VIRUSES OR CLIMATE CONTROL, TAKE UR PIK!!!